Exploration of thoughts: The number of odd numbers in a series

 The Problem

The count of odd numbers between two non-negative integers low and high (inclusively) is given by low and high.

Leet Code Problem 1523


Input: 1 3

Output: 2

Input:  2 8

Output: 3

You will learn about your thinking style by solving this problem

Programming newbie

If you are solving this with knowledge of basic programming constructs (loops, if else)


Ok so I have a high and a low number.
I can see a series between low to high (question addresses) 
How about I loop over numbers 
Check if they are odd


  1. create variable 'count' assign it integer 0
  2. Loop from low to high, with i  = low
    1. Check if i is odd 
      1. increase value of count by 1
  3. return or print the value of count
I am currently Learning JS


var countOdds = function(low, high) {
    let count = 0;
    for(let i = low; i<=high; i++) {
        if (i % 2 != 0) {
    return count
This solution gets job done. But it will soon starting to take time as series will start becoming big.

Giving more thought and a mathematical perspective

It took me 4938 milliseconds (5 seconds) to write my solution, as i saw some graphs of other submissions. There are some runtimes that take 40-50 milliseconds.

My conquest begins. From Here I have to change my thinking


Ok, low and high number
i think in the series from 1 to 10, there are equal number of odds and even (Leads towards solution)
even: 2,4,6,8,10
each of them are 5
If a number is Even, number next to it in the series will be odd (some expriemental finding)
2 and 8; series  = 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 , low = 2, high = 8, number of numbers = 7
So i have 7 numbers in which half will even 
7 / 2 = 3 (round off)

1 and 5; series = 1,2,3,4,5, low = 1, high = 5, number of numbers = 5
5 / 2 = 2 (roundoff) 
This is incorrect
Here is core mathematical division issue.
Whenever low is odd. and we divide number of numbers by 2, one digit gets left behind

This can by solved
first i will get count of odds from [even, odd, even, odd] which is 2
then i will add 1 to it for odd
Now i will  get 3 which is the solution.


  1. create variables variables : count = 0, numberOfNumbers = 0
  2. check if low is odd
    1. increment count by 1
    2. set low to next value (which would be even) 
  3. Calculate numberOfNumber(high - low + 1)
  4. add (numberOfNumbers / 2) to count
  5. return or print count


var countOdds = function(low, high) {
     let count = 0, numberOfNumbers = 0;
     if (low % 2 != 0) {
        count = 1;
        low = low + 1
    numberOfNumbers = high - low + 1
    count += Math.floor(numberOfNumbers / 2)
    return count

Writing your thoughts about a solution in a general way will help you gain a new perspective on it


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