Exploration of thoughts: The number of odd numbers in a series
The Problem
The count of odd numbers between two non-negative integers low and high (inclusively) is given by low and high.
Input: 1 3
Output: 2
Input: 2 8
Output: 3
You will learn about your thinking style by solving this problem
Programming newbie
If you are solving this with knowledge of basic programming constructs (loops, if else)
Ok so I have a high and a low number.
I can see a series between low to high (question addresses)
How about I loop over numbers
Check if they are odd
- create variable 'count' assign it integer 0
- Loop from low to high, with i = low
- Check if i is odd
- increase value of count by 1
- return or print the value of count
I am currently Learning JS
var countOdds = function(low, high) { let count = 0; for(let i = low; i<=high; i++) { if (i % 2 != 0) { count++; } } return count };
This solution gets job done. But it will soon starting to take time as series
will start becoming big.
Giving more thought and a mathematical perspective
It took me 4938 milliseconds (5 seconds) to write my solution, as i saw some
graphs of other submissions. There are some runtimes that take 40-50
My conquest begins. From Here I have to change my thinking
Ok, low and high number
i think in the series from 1 to 10, there are equal number of odds and even (Leads towards solution)
even: 2,4,6,8,10
each of them are 5
If a number is Even, number next to it in the series will be odd (some
expriemental finding)
2 and 8; series = 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 , low = 2, high = 8, number of numbers =
So i have 7 numbers in which half will even
7 / 2 = 3 (round off)
1 and 5; series = 1,2,3,4,5, low = 1, high = 5, number of numbers = 5
5 / 2 = 2 (roundoff)
This is incorrect
Here is core mathematical division issue.
Whenever low is odd. and we divide number of numbers by 2, one digit gets left
This can by solved
first i will get count of odds from [even, odd, even, odd] which is 2
then i will add 1 to it for odd
Now i will get 3 which is the solution.
- create variables variables : count = 0, numberOfNumbers = 0
- check if low is odd
- increment count by 1
- set low to next value (which would be even)
- Calculate numberOfNumber(high - low + 1)
- add (numberOfNumbers / 2) to count
- return or print count
var countOdds = function(low, high) {
let count = 0, numberOfNumbers = 0;
if (low % 2 != 0) {
count = 1;
low = low + 1
numberOfNumbers = high - low + 1
count += Math.floor(numberOfNumbers / 2)
return count
Writing your thoughts about a solution in a general way will help you gain a new perspective on it
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